Speedmart Tech Support
Wing Valve Plumbing
Pressure to run your wing valve can be taken from either a fitting adapter off your power steering pump or off of your steering gear (GEN 2). Newer generation KSE Steering gears and GEN 2 gears have ports placed on the left front of the case for both pressure and return.
When plumbing from power steering pump, run -4 line to wing valve location marked P (pressure). Run -4 line from location marked R (return) back to power steering fluid tank.
When plumbing off of power steering gear run -4 line from location marked P (pressure) (lower port) to wing valve location marked P (pressure). Run -4 return line from wing valve location marked R (return) to power steering gear location marked R (return) (upper port.)
Wing Valve To Wing Cylinder Plumbing
Locate location marked 2 (front port on wing valve). Run -4 or ¼” line to front port on wing cylinder.
Locate location marked 1 (rear port on wing valve). Run -4 or ¼” line to rear port on wing cylinder.
Testing valve: when wing valve handle is pressed forward, wing should go forward. If it goes rearward, lines on wing valve to wing cylinder are plumbed backwards and will cause line damage. Reverse them immediately.
Bleeding air out of system is simple. After engine is running turn steering wheel left to right while holding wing valve back till rod is fully extended out of cylinder then push handle forward till rod is fully compressed back in wing cylinder